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Culture and media

We check the media and our social networks to find out what’s going on around us. We make sense of what we see and what we experience through culture, made up of many forms of expression: music, cinema, art, dance... However, these sectors don’t always get the recognition they deserve or the financial support they need.

In the past year, thousands of young people have shared their ideas on how to support artists, journalists and the creative industries. Now is the time to put the spotlight on local organisations, projects and individuals who are passionate about this issue.

Want to shout about an initiative you love? Share it with us! Join the conversation and help us build a network of solutions.

Subtopics: cinema, dance, literature, music, gastronomy, video games, art, social media, theatre, folklore, fake news, languages, religions.

48 Ideas on Culture and media

Culture and media

Create a cultural festival for minority groups

People who haven't been able to see themselves represented enough in the mainstream should have a festival where they can find people like themselves – and the EU could arrange this.

The EU should create a music and cultural festival with the main theme of inclusivity and a scene for migrant and minorities of any kind to create a scene for the ones that didn’t have the scene and also to cherish the cultural heritage of the Europe and the democracy and and to sustain music industry 
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8 votes with an average rating of 2.
Culture and media

Defending journalists exposed to fake news and AI

We need journalists committed to critical thinking and information, but it is difficult in a world threatened by fake news and artificial intelligence. My proposal is that the EU should be involved in this issue, demanding clear legislation and norms to limit and identify the use of AI in media outlets.
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Daniel Gaszewski  • 10 June 2023

The European Parliament will vote on AI act in Strasbourg already next week!

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1 votes with an average rating of 2.
Culture and media

European Festivals for Cultural Identity

To understand, embrace and promote cultural diversity in Europe. It would have many benefits in finding out about other cultures through music, art, food, hobbies. 
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What people think

Alaïtou  • 11 June 2023

Bien évidement que choisir l'espéranto comme langue commune pour la communication internationale aurait pour heureuses conséquences de, notamment, supprimer très rapidement la barrière des langues (donc de faciliter l'altérité, l'inclusion et les secours), l'insupportable, coûteuse et injuste colonisation linguistique en cours, ainsi que d'alléger le temps scolaire. C'est là un vrai sujet de politique publique qui demande de l'empathie pour les peuples, du bon sens, de la remise en cause d'un paradigme qui n'a plus lieu d'être depuis l'existence de l'espéranto et donc, du courage.

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6 votes with an average rating of 1.9.
Culture and media
Jobs, economy and digital transformation

Art and performance education should be recognised as higher education across the EU

If art graduates from art and performance schools were considered people with a higher education, maybe their wages could be improved.

In Greece and possibly other EU member states, students graduating from art schools (drama, music and schools) are currently not being granted high school diplomas, and their education is not recgonised as higher education This is wrong and should be changed. This can later lead to reductions in earnings under the pretext that it is "not legally skilled work". Shouldn't art schools be recognized for their contribution to the country's cultural education and treated similarly in all EU states?
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Daniel Gaszewski  • 10 June 2023

I think it’s something which every Member State should solve because as far as I know there are Academies both in Poland and Sweden granting higher education diplomas. However, I don’t see that it could solve issue with wages - it is ruled out by our capitalism system and for some professionals in arts it’s just not lucrative on the open market

Mariam Papaskiri  • 10 June 2023

I think this is a brilliant idea and can bring a lot of young people together! 

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24 votes with an average rating of 1.6.
Culture and media

Train an AI model capable of conversing in all member states’ languages

An AI model what is able to converse in all EU languages could foster understanding and enable communication across borders.

An AI model what is able to converse in all EU languages could foster understanding and enable communication across borders.
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What people think

Daniel Gaszewski  • 10 June 2023

ChatGPT is working quite well in both Polish and Swedish. Which other languages should be introduced or improved? 

Gulshan  • 10 June 2023

It is very innovative way of helping people to understand and be accessible to the more resources

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13 votes with an average rating of 1.9.
Culture and media

Trustworthiness and reputational score for media outlets

If media outlets don't provide necessary sources of information or spread disinformation , they should be sued, and a jury should rate their trustworthiness and give the media outlet a reputational score that must be visible on the front page of their website.

Clickbait, misleading headlines and fake news are the undesirable products of today's social media and the instantaneous access to information thanks to the internet. The media's incentives to do journalism are in disarray, and the media's code of conduct has been broken – all caused by the necessity for the media to collect ad revenues with clicks in misleading headlines to viralize content using raged content and the decrease in fact checking and collection of sources due to the pressures to give 'the scoop'. To avoid this, we need a mechanism that enables media outlets to be sued on the basis of malpractice in their report of information specific articles or broadcasts. This should be done is accordance with a flexible but clear set of journalist rules. The flagged news media outlet should be judged by a specific media jury with enough time to assess the content, the use of the language, the sources and its impact in society. After its assessment, it can put a reputational toll on the news outlet for a certain period of time and of a certain value. This toll will modify the average reputational score of the outlet for the period established by the jury. The average reputational score of the news outlets needs to be visible on their web pages and in every news they produce as well as could serve as a parameter in social media algorithm to curtail the spreading of untrustworthy networks in social media. This way media companies will have an incentive to protect their reputational scores practicing good journalism and it will give the public more control and time to assess the fake news putting a public trust price on behaviors that mislead and misinform the public in a more transparent and accountable way.
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What people think

Response to Iman by Miguel  • 13 May 2023

Having rules does not imply that politicians are in control of them. The court system judge opposition politicians on the if they are corrupt, which is not the same as saying having laws that allow you to detain the opposition automatically transform you into an autocrat system. Media outlets should be held accountable in the same way as politicians, judged by an independent judiciary system, by clear an transparent means in a fair and rule base process and with the right to appeal to higher court of justices.

Iman  • 01 May 2023

Wow, that law to combat disinformation actually looks like an russian foreign agent’s law. Basically, you let the government to decide which media outlets are deemed “good” or which are “spreading disinformation”. Russia does this exact thing and labels any sort of media that opposes it as a foreign agent, discriminating based on a view point. If you are for a free Europe, this is not the way to go….

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25 votes with an average rating of 2.
Culture and media
EU in the world
Jobs, economy and digital transformation

Support for innovative projects in the field of AI

More research on artificial intelligence can help us with sustainable development.

The European Union should implement a program of grants and other forms of support for universities and other research organizations operating in member states that focus on the development of artificial intelligence for sustainable development and global prosperity.
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What people think

George Morris  • 08 April 2023

We can’t afford to get left behind on this 

Celeste  • 05 April 2023

As much as the development of AI is necessary in order to modernise and further evolve engineering sectors and even help with our daily lives – there is a point where AI must be controlled and have some form of limitations wether they be physical, intellectual or even moral when being used by the public. An example of this can be the use of AI generating art.

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70 votes with an average rating of 1.7.
Culture and media
EU in the world

Public bodies should be prohibited from communicating exclusively through advertising funded platforms

When public bodies only communicate at the means of Meta and Twitter, it poses a democratic problem to our society.

Today, public social media discourse takes place predominantly on platforms under the control of private profit-oriented corporations such as the Facebook parent company Meta, Twitter or ByteDance. When public institutions communicate through these channels, they bring these non-democratic actors to the brights of digital communication. At the same time, it forces citizens to consume advertising in order to obtain public information. Thirdly, it makes European communication channels dependent on US and Chinese companies. Public bodies should therefore help create sustainable European communication channels by using open protocols (Matrix, Activiy Pub) and their own digital infrastructure (in the sense of the Fediverse).
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Tracy  • 07 April 2023

It sets a precedent that to be involved with public bodies you need access to technology, it hinders free communication and forces persons to interact with private companies to be allowed their freedom. It's against the principle of the government being for the people and there should be non-private platforms mainted just as well if not better.

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54 votes with an average rating of 1.7.
Culture and media

Add disinformation warnings as a default on all news sites – unless they share all their sources of information

If a news site does not explicitly state all their sources of information in their articles etc. they should automatically be labelled as "not reliable".

Whenever someone enters a news site, there should be a warning to be careful what you believe when reading on the website. This should apply to all news sites that do not explicitly state all their sources of information. If a news site does not provide all of their sources, it will automatically be considered as "not reliable".  That way, the news sites will have the incitement to share all of their sources of information, thus combatting disinformation.

Freedom of speech is very important, but the news sites, pages, conglomerates (with more than thousands and millions of followers) have to be more responsible to follow the rules and not spread misinformation.

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What people think

Julia  • 12 June 2023

The only way to tackle disinformation is to boost critical thinking in the population. Provide quality education and journalism, encourage people to compare and contrast information, to be critical, and to access various sources of information.

 • 14 April 2023
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It is democratic that there is nothing but racism in the European Union.

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615 votes with an average rating of 1.7.
Culture and media
Human Rights
Jobs, economy and digital transformation

Recognition and promotion of digital rights as human rights

The EU should work for a common framework for the recognition and actual promotion of digital rights as human rights

The EU should work for a common framework for the recognition and actual promotion of digital rights as human rights; this should include equal Internet access in all European regions and for all European citizens in order to close the digital divide.
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11 votes with an average rating of 2.1.
Culture and media
EU in the world

Block hashtags spreading fake news

In the social media age, where hashtags greatly affect people's thinking, we have to limit the fake and misleading ones. 

One of the major dangers of spreading fake news is that they manipulate public opinion and lead to a distortion of reality. Social media hashtags or tags, for example, based on unreliable or false information often mislead people, since they affect their way of thinking. Fake news and tags have excessively been used as a tool in political conflicts, among others in the occupation of territories. More specifically, the hashtag #CrimeaIsRussia, which has been used as a tool of Russia's disinformation campaign, can be seen as a means of hybrid warfare. The problem is that if the above tag remains online for many years, the next generations that will click on it may form a false sense of reality about the political situation in the Crimean region.

As a next step, the EU must work on limiting fake and misleading social media tags and hashtags. It is necessary for Europe to find the appropriate tools in this direction in order to protect its values, the rule of law, and human rights. 


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Response to Alexandre by  • 09 April 2023
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I fully agree!

 • 30 March 2023
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EU presence on the territory of the Member States to create information and prevent governments from spreading disinformation against the EU.

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96 votes with an average rating of 2.4.
Culture and media
Social justice

Free Interrail passes for all young Europeans

We should provide free Interrail passes to every young European upon turning 18.

We should provide free Interrail passes to every young European upon turning 18. This would give them the possibility to experience Europe and European travel, themselves. It would extend the opportunity to disadvantaged young people who cannot afford to travel abroad.

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What people think

Victoria Estrada  • 01 June 2023

Nosotras creemos que es una buena propuesta, ya que, de esta manera, los jóvenes tendrían la oportunidad de conocer en persona países de la Unión Europea y aprender más sobre su cultura. De esta manera se le está dando una gran oportunidad a jóvenes que tal vez no tienen el suficiente dinero para comprar un billete de Interrail, así todos pueden tener una oportunidad para crecer como personas y no solo la gente más estable económicamente.

Jakub Balik  • 08 April 2023
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This is a very good idea that I would add that the network of international connections and a single application or web portal for connecting and occupying trains would still be useful. An additional advantage would be immediate financial compensation from specific carriers for their timely arrival or other inconvenience.

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128 votes with an average rating of 1.7.
Culture and media
Human Rights

Monitor social media content to flag hate speech

During the COVID-19 pandemic, social media platforms have automatically identified vaccine-related posts. Similar technology could be used to identify posts containing hate speech.

Content monitoring on social media has become an important element in guaranteeing citizens' safety online. During the COVID-19 pandemic, content monitoring technologies have been used to automatically identify posts discussing the virus or vaccines, encouraging readers to visit an official source to find out more about the topic.

Building on this experience, technology that automatically identifies the subjects of social media posts could be used to identify hate speech directed towards minorities.

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What people think

Response to Bernard by Marios  • 09 June 2023

The author does not talk about blocking hate speech but identifying it. By marking a hateful post or disinformation and adding a link to an educational website, we can prevent such hate from spreading. Education is key to knowing what is hate speech or not.

 • 29 March 2023
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What are all social media? Does this only include profiles accessible to the public, such as a Facebook page, an Instagramp account, a Twitter post or even knives and chat rooms? In the second case, we have to ask whether, just in order to keep extremists silent, we want to waive postal secrecy for all others. In addition, a technical solution will lead to further de-empowerment of users. In a democratic society, people should not be censored by the platform to spread intrusive messages.

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31 votes with an average rating of 2.8.
Culture and media
Jobs, economy and digital transformation

More support for language learning

More support should be provided for Europeans to learn a new language, for example through the Online Linguistic Support programme or by introducing language education at an earlier age.

More support should be provided for Europeans to learn a new language.

The Online Linguistic Support (OLS) programme is currently only available for Erasmus+ participants. It should be made available to all EU students so that anyone who desires to learn a new language and does not have the necessary means to pay, can do so flexibly.

Language education should start as early as possible - in day care centres and nursery schools. This should not only apply to the English language, but also to a strategic third language that could create future economic opportunities.

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28 votes with an average rating of 1.2.
Culture and media

Intensive language courses for better integration of migrant children

Intensive language courses should be introduced so that migrant children learn the language of their new home before they start following regular school syllabuses.

More effort should be put into integrating migrant children in society. Migrant children now have to learn a new language while simultaneously following the regular syllabus. This is ineffective.

Intensive language courses should be introduced so that migrant children learn the language of their new home before they start following regular school syllabuses.

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What people think

Daniel Gaszewski  • 10 June 2023

It depends on the age of children and home situation - small children can catch up very quickly with regular education, especially if they already have contact with “new language”. The challenge is with teenagers in secondary education, they need to learn a new language for communication AND academic language to be able to learn biology, physics, math etc. This idea is already implemented in some countries like Sweden with quite good results and even research is made on subject called translanguaging (like at Linnaeus University). Unfortunately it’s not spread across Member State, like Poland could have a huge benefits having this after Russian invasion on Ukraine with a lot of Ukrainians in different age coming to Poland 

 • 30 March 2023
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It would be useful to develop this! Migrant children are often left out of the friends of local children in the absence of a common language.

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34 votes with an average rating of 1.5.
Culture and media

A new official EU language – French, German, Italian... or Esperanto?

With the UK out of the EU, it is time to propose a new common language - French, German or Italian. This language should form the basis for all economic and social activity in the EU and be taught across all Member States.

With the United Kingdom out of the EU, it is time to propose a new common language – perhaps French, German or Italian. This language should form the basis for all economic and social activity in the EU and be taught across all member states.

Esperanto should also be considered to become the language of Europe. It's easy to learn and its rational design makes it easy for a learner to become conversational within just a few months. It is also a neutral language that doesn't belong to any country or people. This will make language more accessible to more people.

According to the Grin Report, it is estimated that EUR 25 billion per year is lost in the EU because tourists prefer to travel to English-speaking countries like the United Kingdom and the United States.


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What people think

ANSELMI  • 11 June 2023éranto

Response to Telemo by Ed  • 11 June 2023

Je suis d'accord.
Une langue commune l'Espéranto
Car rapide à apprendre, expressif et créatif ( qualité importante pour la recherche de consensus démocratique).
Et que chacun soit libre de penser, de s'exprimer, ... dans sa langue.
Ke vivu eŭropan union

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189 votes with an average rating of 2.8.
Culture and media
Social justice

Liberal arts education should be made compulsory

Liberal Arts education and critical thinking should be made compulsory in schools throughout all the EU member states. This will limit illiberal and unscientific biases, such as anti-vax or conspiracy theories.

Critical thinking should be taught since first grade. This, in addition to news literacy skills, would help our union progress, and limit the illiberal and unscientific biases, such as anti-vax, conspiracy theories, and the sort.

  • Liberal Arts, theatre productions, music programs, immersive art productions, Model UN projects and such in middle and high school classrooms will help propel our citizens to a much more inclusive and progressive generation.
  • We could start with more training for national institutions, and continue with EU-level programs and competitions, including Eurovision-style broadcasts for Model UN - or “Model-EU”
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15 votes with an average rating of 2.7.
Culture and media
Social justice

Don't blame humanity for climate change

We should care for the planet while at the same time taking into account our own prosperity.

Instead of focusing on the human impact on climate change, we should promote the idea of human flourishing: This means to use the energy sources that are most beneficial to us in each moment and stop blaming people for the destruction of our planet. Human impact on the environment should not be seen as either moral or immoral, because it is after all inevitable. We should take care of the planet while also taking into consideration our own happiness and prosperity.

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What people think

Response to Fani-Christina Papacharalampous by Nefeli  • 22 May 2023

Totally agree! It's actually ufeasible to only look at either human prosperity or the protection of the environment on their own, as it's widly accepted that our actions do affect the environment. They always did, from the very beginning up until now. The only difference is the extent in which they do so. It's important to try and balance those two, both by looking for ways to facilitate our life and at the same time ensuring that we cause the minimun harm to the environment possible!

Fani-Christina Papacharalampous  • 30 March 2023

The idea of balancing environmental protection with human prosperity is a common one, but it's complex and requires considering factors such as the impact of human actions, costs and benefits of different approaches, and the role of ethics. Pursuing human prosperity can sometimes lead to environmental harm, but reducing environmental impact can also bring benefits to human well-being and the economy. The question of whether environmental degradation is a moral issue is a matter of debate.

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32 votes with an average rating of 3.1.
Culture and media
Jobs, economy and digital transformation
Social justice

Virtual European Friends (VEFs)

Each student could be assigned a Virtual European Friend from another EU country.

There is a need for pan-European initiatives that brings European people together in spirit and friendship. For example, each student could be assigned a Virtual European Friend (VEF) from another EU country with whom they can communicate virtually.

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Marta  • 01 April 2023

I find this idea very useful. Students could get to know the cultures of other countries, improve their social skills and improve the foreign language in which they communicate. I would like this idea to come true as soon as possible because it has many positive sides.

Zoé  • 31 March 2023

Yes, but why not allow exchange with another "young" person from Europe while also taking into consideration the age gaps that still exist between the ages of 16 and 30 – so 16 to 17 year olds pair up, 18 to 20 olds, 20 to 25 year olds, and 25+. That way people will more likely have something in common with the people they are paired with.

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50 votes with an average rating of 1.6.
Climate change and environment
Culture and media

Promote environmental journalism

Impactful climate communication will make society more educated on the topic of environmental risks. This will translate into more pressure on non-green industries.

Citizens will only agree with strict policies if they understand why they are necessary. That is why the EU needs to fund more climate journalism projects: the more impactful the communication, the more educated the population will be. This will translate into more public pressure towards companies, as they will be held accountable for their environmental effect.

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Nika, Ekonomska škola Požega  • 21 April 2023

I think that it is definitely necessary to promote environmental journalism, because that way information will reach the world faster and many people would become environmentally aware.

Raul  • 17 April 2023

I really think it´s very important educate people about this theme, so this project is the perfect one to do this, because a lot of people can hear about it in school and in their houses so yes, I completly on favor about this therm

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5 votes with an average rating of 1.
Culture and media
EU in the world

EU Youth Hubs in Eastern Partnership countries

EU youth hubs should be set up in Eastern Partnership countries to share best practices in education, culture, youth and sport.

In order to spread the EU experience and best practices in the sphere of education, culture, youth and sports, it would be relevant to establish EU youth hubs in Eastern Partnership countries. It would be beneficial for the youth of these countries to have places where they can meet the EU representatives, learn about best practices in the education, culture and sports and to implement initiatives under the auspices of such a platform.

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13 votes with an average rating of 2.5.
Culture and media
Health and sports

We need more information on vaccines

Local authorities should organise events, online meetings, and advertise to raise awareness about the COVID-19 vaccination and its benefits. 

Since beginning of the pandemic, everyone was waiting for invention of a vaccine, because it is meant to be the only way of returning to the normal, pre-Covid life. We now have several types of vaccines, but there are people who oppose the vaccination.

In Georgia, anti-vaxxer movement is quite strong. In many cases the cause of this is lack of knowledge. Many people think that vaccine is dangerous. Local authorities should organise events, online meetings, and advertise to raise awareness about the COVID-19 vaccination and its benefits.

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6 votes with an average rating of 1.5.
Culture and media
Social justice

Teach more about the EU in schools

Lessons on European values should be part of all school curricula. Educational exercises and school trips to the EU institutions can raise awareness of our unity and cooperation.

European citizens should have a better understanding of how the EU works and what the benefits of being an EU citizen are. 

People from across the EU - especially in the suburbs - should be brought up as Europeans. While it is wonderful to belong to a certain culture, identity or nationality, we must also remember what brings us together. 

Lessons on democracy and European values should be imparted on Europeans from a young age, and people should be reminded of their right and duty to vote. For example, pupils and students should be taught about the rule of law, one of the key pillars in our democracy. It is also necessary to apply different types and formats of education according to the age group.

Pupils should also be taught about European history and the various cultures of the EU, particularly the cultures of those who are geographically further from them. This will make the EU stronger and more self-reliant, and ensure students are more aware of the importance of the EU in their own lives and the opportunities it offers them. 

Furthermore, trips should be organized for young people to visit EU institutions such as the European Parliament, so that they can get a first-hand insight into how the EU works. This has the added benefit of bringing young people together. We should also inform people about the benefits of the EU to counter manipulation by other powers.

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 • 30 May 2023
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Yes, of course, and this is why people who offer a common language in the EU, the hopanto international language, also offer teaching geared to knowledge of the EU (values, institutions, achievements, etc.) and also cultural approaches to different EU countries. And then, of course, thanks to the common language (especially not unique!), we propose to mainstream twinning between schools, between young people, between cities, etc. We have far too little contact with other countries!

Ana Vidović  • 20 April 2023

I think we need to learn more about the EU in schools because a lot of students don't even know anything about it or are not interested, and in school they could be taught something about it, they would probably like it and maybe they would also do something about the topics who write here and also a lot of them do not know about this page and are not even aware that they can change a lot of things.

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52 votes with an average rating of 1.3.
Culture and media

A mascot to explain the EU to citizens

The EU should have a playful and colourful mascot who will explain the EU to citizens in an interesting way.

Euroscepticism often arises from a lack of knowledge about the EU. To explain the EU to citizens, we should have a playful and colourful mascot who will communicate the EU in an interesting way. For example, the EU could consider reviving Captain Euro.

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7 votes with an average rating of 1.6.
Culture and media
Jobs, economy and digital transformation

Age controls online to protect children

To protect children online, the age of users creating social media profiles should be verified through an official ID document.

Children face many dangers online, including online abuse and leakage of sensitive data such as sexually explicit images. To protect children, the age of users creating profiles on social media platforms should be verified through a government-issued ID document.

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What people think

Adam  • 11 May 2023

Very dangerous idea. Sites could require confirming by national ID but it's hard to implement it anonymously. Other way it's just a limiting the right to freedom of speech and beginning of censorship. Basically it should be responsibility of parents to protect what sites their children access. It's already possible on ISP and home network level.

Tomáš  • 02 May 2023

Alarmingly, children can very easily access sites that distribute adult content. These sites should require ID verification. Now these sites can jeopardise a child's development and upbringing.

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70 votes with an average rating of 2.
Culture and media
Social justice

Reform the European Parliament

The European Parliament provides the democratic base of the European Union and is therefore an important institution. Nonetheless, it should be reformed in order to reach its full potential.

The European Parliament provides the democratic base of the European Union and is therefore an important institution. Nonetheless, it should be reformed in order to reach its full potential.

Ways to do so could include:

  • The parliament should offer Member States the opportunity to make use of single-member constituencies for national minorities, without permitting a (de facto) first-past-the-post system in cases of very small constituencies.
  • It should have the right of initiative to propose new legislation. Suggestions should be able to be proposed by either a political group, a committee or a group of MEPs representing at least 5% of Parliament.
  • It should continue having standing and temporary committees with a focus on specific political areas. The composition of the committees should continue to reflect the political composition in the Parliament.
  • It should transition into a single seat parliament in Brussels to save on administrative costs.
  • It should work to promote gender equality, e.g. by establishing a parental leave substitution system in the European Parliament, available for any of the parents.
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Wojtek  • 06 April 2023

my first idea after 2 sentences was to create a parliament composed of young people who would be able, through their acquaintances and broad contact with the world, to cooperate, support and submit their opinion to the main EU parliament on issues that are doubtful or hard to understand for parliamentarians.

Romain  • 01 April 2023


I agree with most of your recommendations and I think that a more sovereign parliament would be the key to a democratic European Union. 

However, I disagree with your proposal for a single seat in Brussels because the spirit of the European Union is to have several capitals.

Strasbourg is not a national capital but a diplomatic capital, at the heart of the European Union. Thus, the solution should rather be to make Strasbourg the only seat of the European Parliament and to organize all the sessions there. 

Yours sincerely,

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37 votes with an average rating of 1.5.
Culture and media
Health and sports
Human Rights

We need reproductive and sexual health education

A significant number of scientific and social research studies stress the importance of sex education at secondary school level. Young teenagers are in need of practical and factual information. Let's unify and provide teachers with the right information, backed my scientists and health specialists, as a starting point.

A significant number of scientific and social research studies stress the importance of sex education at secondary school level. Young teenagers are in need of practical and factual information.

In some communities, issues linked to sexuality are taboo and people don't discuss them in homes, schools and centres. Now, as a result, teenagers are in danger of sexually transmitted infections, mental illness, and chronic health problems as well as of LGBTQ discrimination and school bullying.

One of the challenges here is a lack of teachers who possess the necessary knowledge and training to distribute appropriate and correct information about sex and reproductive health. Additional barriers include opposition from cultural and religious leaders, as well as the absence of sex and reproductive health education generally, both at a local and EU level.

Let's unify and provide teachers with the right information, backed by scientists and health specialists, as a starting point.

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What people think

Response to Beatriz by Benedek  • 06 April 2023

The nurse perspective was right according to the situation. She is not an expert in the mental side of sexuality, as many more healthcare worker, so she discussed the practical and ethical side. When we are talking about reproduction and sex education, we want to avoid the not planned pregnancies and infections, that is our top priority.
For the mental side, it is necessary another specialist, a psychologist who have better understanding in this topic. This should be discussed too, but not in exchange to have less discussion in the practical, medical part.

Beatriz  • 23 March 2023

Sexual education in my school consisted of a nurse going there and giving a lecture about safe sex, and how to wear a condom, and she also talked briefly about STDs.
Needless to say that unfortunately this talk was very seldom held and it was based on HETEROSEXUALITY. There is no talk about sexual orientations, gender identity, trans people, mental health related to gender identity issues (gender dysphoria, etc.), so many things that should be discussed...

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89 votes with an average rating of 1.4.
Culture and media
Social justice

A networking platform for EU students

The EU should create an online networking platform for students to interact and learn from each other.

The pandemic has exposed a lack of opportunities for students to connect with one another. An online networking platform should be created through which students can interact with their counterparts in other EU countries. They could share their culture, language, traditions, learn from each other, find new friends, and have fun.

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What people think

Zoé  • 31 March 2023

Pourquoi pas, peut-être avec quelques tranches d'âge: 18-20/20-25/+25 ans.

 • 30 March 2023
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Invest in English language teaching in Italian schools.

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14 votes with an average rating of 1.
Culture and media
Human Rights
Jobs, economy and digital transformation

Minimum wage for artists

As many artists are struggling for a basic means of survival, the EU should establish a minimum wage for those who work in art-related professions.

As many artists are struggling for a basic means of survival, the EU should establish a minimum wage for those who work in art-related professions.

Art is one of the core values and heritages of Europe, and it makes us inherently European. In fact, many of the beloved symbols of Europe are works of art. Therefore, the minimum wage for all art-related jobs would pave the way for a new era of artistic productions and recognise art as a valuable contribution to society.

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What people think

Beatriz  • 23 March 2023

This is a very important topic. It is very sad to see artists struggling to get by solely based on the development on their form(s) of art.
These people are creative, they see the world and they display their perspective to the world, in whatever form that may be! They should be supported to be able to live a decent life like everybody else, and not precarious just because they might not have that regular 9-5 job
(That's another issue – let's end the 9 to 5 and move to the 4-day-week and more free time to really live life and not work until we die.)

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43 votes with an average rating of 2.4.
Culture and media
Jobs, economy and digital transformation

Celebrate arts and culture with a dedicated EU agency

Support and promote the rich European arts and culture scene through a dedicated EU agency.

Europe has a rich history in arts and culture. There are many talented European artists that do not get the exposure they deserve because of the dominance of American culture and the lack of promotion of European culture.

We should thus set up an agency dedicated to the arts in the EU. This agency could help with the development, support and promotion of ideas related to the arts - such as film/music/graphic and/or other art festivals in Europe. It could support Netflix-like European streaming platforms that focus mostly on European films and culture, or even create a pan-European entertainment industry similar to Hollywood.

The EU needs to invest in the film industry, as it employs not only actors and directors, but also graphic designers, sound editors, CGI operators and many more who are educated in creative fields.

Other ideas could also be to

  • provide subsidies to film producers,
  • market the movies and distribute them throughout the EU and
  • set up an EU film organisation with award shows for European non-anglophone movies.
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What people think

 • 28 March 2023
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Would be worthwhile to ensure that Europe’s castles and wells are restored

Any thoughts on this idea?

2 votes with an average rating of 3.

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