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Jobs, economy and digital transformation

Digitalisation and globalisation are rapidly changing the world of work. Technology has helped us stay connected during the COVID-19 pandemic, and it has given way to new and more flexible ways of working. However, we’re also facing many challenges, with youth unemployment remaining a key concern in Europe. What new skills do we need for the future? How can we balance in-person working and remote working? How is artificial intelligence changing the job market?

In the past year, thousands of young people have shared their ideas on how to improve the way we work in the digital world. Now is the time to put the spotlight on local organisations, projects and individuals who are addressing these issues?

Want to shout about an initiative you love? Share it with us! Join the conversation and help us build a network of solutions.

Subtopics: jobs, economy, digitalisation, human resources, technology, Internet.

289 Ideas on Jobs, economy and digital transformation

Jobs, economy and digital transformation

SWAG (Skills in Work-life Analysis Game)

SWAG is an innovative project aimed at empowering individuals entering the workforce. It originated from the collaboration of three friends with diverse backgrounds in engineering, psychology, and law. SWAG's main objective is to capture individuals' soft skills using a gamified approach. In the first phase of the project, a serious game called AOC (Among the Office Criticality) was presented as a Minimum Viable Product during a competition at UniCaLab at the Contamination Lab of the University of Calabria, where SWAG emerged as the winner. Additionally, SWAG went on to win a national hackathon, solidifying its position as a standout project. A mobile application mockup has been developed, and it aims to become a suite consisting of various tools and sections to ensure the best match between users and the right positions depending on their skills, and even between them and companies. SWAG aims to bridge the gap between job seekers and employers by showcasing candidates' unique skills and personality traits. Through gamification, SWAG provides a user-friendly platform that evaluates individuals based on a set of indicators. This approach allows for a quick, standardized, and objective assessment of soft skills that may otherwise go unnoticed. SWAG has been part of the TechNest technology incubator at the University of Calabria and has received recognition at various events, and from various big player in the HR and tech industry, highlighting its potential impact. By creating a platform for companies to launch challenges and publish job opportunities, SWAG strives to promote a more efficient and fulfilling labour market. Moreover, another opportunity will be to highlight areas of improvement and suggest training opportunities. Future plans for SWAG aim to leverage artificial intelligence, further enhancing the value of the platform and empowering people by fostering their awareness. SWAG's journey has involved collaborations with academic institutions, such as the University of Calabria, and engaging with students to validate the project. The project has also included organized workshops to address the need for innovation in the context of work and engage with high school students. A pilot study has been conducted to validate the development method behind serious games, followed by an international conference and publication in an impactful scientific journal. SWAG's vision is to facilitate successful transitions into the workforce, reduce unemployment rates, and foster a stronger European labour market. With its user-centred approach, SWAG aims to empower individuals and promote lifelong learning, ultimately creating a more prosperous future for job seekers and companies alike.
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What people think

Selcuk  • 26 September 2023

Trying to have more hemicycle activities as well as in other places, rather than being outside in the hot, or eye could also add more ways to refresh since the water outside was overheating. 

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20 votes with an average rating of 1.7.
Human Rights
Jobs, economy and digital transformation
Social justice

Fair tax settlement for digital nomads

The COVID-19 pandemic has forever changed the paradigm of work. While many people lose several hours in commuting between their home and office, always having to live in areas close to it, telecommuting has enabled people to explore the world while working on a laptop computer with internet access. As attractive as a life free of obligations and with more flexibility in finding a place to live can be, digital nomads bring enormous problems to the local host communities, such as increased pressure on natural resources and services, increased housing prices due to higher wages as a rule, and, as a result, a widening social gap. In order to make community life fairer, and to avoid abuses in taxation, this proposal was created: Article 1 Definition of Fiscal Residence 1 - Establish clear criteria for determining the tax residence of digital nomads, considering factors such as length of stay in the country, family ties and permanent residence. 2 - Consider as eligible for tax purposes all those who stay for a period equal to or longer than 32 consecutive days. Article 2 Taxation Rules for Digital Nomads 1 - All citizens in who are considered digital nomads and who fit the criteria of article 1 may choose for one of two regimes: a) payment of taxes in the country of residence like national citizens b) Paying user regime. In this regime the citizen is charged for the public service she uses. Article 3 Collaboration Between Countries 1 - Promote international cooperation for sharing information on taxation of digital nomads. Article 4 Awareness and Education 1 - Conducting awareness campaigns aimed at informing digital nomads about their tax obligations in their country of residence and helping them understand tax regulations and processes. Article 5 Enforcement and Penalties 1 - Strengthen enforcement of digital nomads' tax obligations through audits, states and cooperation with businesses. 2 - Establish penalties at the European level for those who do not comply with their tax obligations.
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42 votes with an average rating of 1.7.
Jobs, economy and digital transformation

More opportunities in rural areas to combat population decline

Small, rural regions and provinces are the core of agriculture, primary production, tourism and of course European culture and tradition.  These places are facing a huge population decline over the last decades. There are several things we can do to combat this.

To tackle the population decline in rural areas, we have to ensure that: 1. Young people stay in their homelands or such regions by updating peripheral education, creating jobs, improving the infrastructure and generally  the lifestyle. 2. Helping local businesses to grow or finance the establishment of new pioneer business projects. 3. Create informational campaigns to let people know the benefits of leaving in the countryside. 4. Give more opportunities to the farmers, local entrepreneurs and tourism professionals. If we do so: a. The cities will be less crowded and more operational. b. We will solve are food problem as more people are working on biological production. c. We will tackle the unemployment problem with more and more jobs being created. d. We will help poor residents of rural provinces. e. We will build SELF-SUFFICIENCY.
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17 votes with an average rating of 1.4.
Climate change and environment
Jobs, economy and digital transformation
Social justice

An economy that works for people and the environment

Several studies and economists warn that our current economic thinking is unable to find a solution in our terrible situation. The constant will for economic growth destroys the environment (Potsdam Institute for Climate Research, 2022) and sustainable economic growth is also not possible, as several studies show (European Environmental Bureau 2019) - also confirmed by the rebound effect. For a long time, the well-being of the population has been decoupled from economic growth (Australian National University, Kubiszewski et al, 2013) as opposed to the environment. Thus, it would be the task of the EU to be a pioneer of a new type of economic policy with real influence. Comprehensive reforms are needed to achieve this, but this is the only way to counter climate change.
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Hugo Rufino Marques  • 09 July 2023

Great ideia! However why the name of Rafaela is not here? Was she had the ideia!

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10 votes with an average rating of 1.2.
Jobs, economy and digital transformation

Support farmers with uptake of precision livestock farming

Stop wasting energy and resources into discriminating farm systems and support farmers with uptake of precision livestock farming in order to reach efficiently and sustainability.
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2 votes with an average rating of 1.
Jobs, economy and digital transformation

Educate youth about AI

More digital transformation and education for youth in AI is crucial.

We should be faster in digital transformation and educate youth in the AI field so that we can use it in order to develop the socioeconomic structure in the EU. 
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9 votes with an average rating of 1.6.
Jobs, economy and digital transformation
Social justice

Young people shouldn’t be forced to work for free: ban unpaid internships!

A large share of young people see themselves forced to work for free in their first professional experiences. Sometimes, unpaid internships are the first opportunities we embark on to start gaining experience. While internships are useful to acquire experience in our first steps, being an unpaid trainee should be forbidden across the EU. Only those who can afford to work for free (due to family support or larger economic capacity) will be able to access those professional opportunities, fostering inequality and social injustice. Therefore, in order to guarantee equality of opportunity and protect youth rights, all unpaid internships should be banned.
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What people think

Response to Jessim by Tiago Mendes  • 01 July 2023

Sim, concordo perfeitamente!
É importante mudar a mentalidade dos empresários e proteger mais os jovens que estão a entrar no mercado de trabalho!
Também seria importante obrigar as empresas a ter progressões nas carreiras e juntamente com esta médida apostar mais na formação dos seus colaboradores de forma a que o negócio esteja sempre em constante modernização!
Cria uma mentalidade nos trabalhores que é necessário estar em constante evolução!

Matteo  • 21 June 2023

L' Europa deve imporre l'assunzione dei giovani under 30 nei concorsi pubblici specialmente se sono disoccupati e residenti in regioni europee sottosviluppate.

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53 votes with an average rating of 1.2.
Jobs, economy and digital transformation

Inter-generational solidarity: helping the elderly navigate the digital transition

Upon the most recent digital transformations, older people, such as grandparents, may not know how to use bank or health applications and need help to do so. My idea is to create a voluntary European corps of young people to help old people use the apps, such as asking for time for the doctor, how to use the bank app or other apps they cannot use and want to learn.
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Culture and media
Jobs, economy and digital transformation

Art and performance education should be recognised as higher education across the EU

If art graduates from art and performance schools were considered people with a higher education, maybe their wages could be improved.

In Greece and possibly other EU member states, students graduating from art schools (drama, music and schools) are currently not being granted high school diplomas, and their education is not recgonised as higher education This is wrong and should be changed. This can later lead to reductions in earnings under the pretext that it is "not legally skilled work". Shouldn't art schools be recognized for their contribution to the country's cultural education and treated similarly in all EU states?
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What people think

Daniel Gaszewski  • 10 June 2023

I think it’s something which every Member State should solve because as far as I know there are Academies both in Poland and Sweden granting higher education diplomas. However, I don’t see that it could solve issue with wages - it is ruled out by our capitalism system and for some professionals in arts it’s just not lucrative on the open market

Mariam Papaskiri  • 10 June 2023

I think this is a brilliant idea and can bring a lot of young people together! 

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24 votes with an average rating of 1.6.
Jobs, economy and digital transformation

Extending environmental and human rights standards during the whole production process

We should encourage member states to take factories and production from countries that dont respect that dont protect workers and that dont have strong environment policies regarding the production process. This is a measure that can even help us reduce our carbon footprint, since the transport wont emit so much CO2 and can bring more independence to the EU, besides the fact that can help us grow even more economically. Another idea could consist on creating a programme to distribute factories around the EU in an equivalent way. This could be useful, as well, to create a fairer level-playing-field, considering some member states already count with installed and strong industries.
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8 votes with an average rating of 1.3.
Jobs, economy and digital transformation

Making the research stronger in EU

A fundamental and applied research system is a crucial field in the development of countries. We can call for the EU to keep funding for research and development in all member states above 3% of GDP.

A fundamental and applied research system is meant to be a crucial field in the development of a country. It leads not only to an high level education and a knowledge that teachers can spread in communities in the form of culture, but also in an essential contribute in many other collective themes: health, environmental sustainability and technological innovation represent only a part of the subjects with the major effects. In order to achieve these results, it is important that researchers can join valuable projects durably and that scientific areas can grow simultaneously and interacting each other, according to a subsidiarity principle. Now, thanks to the Next Generation EU, the funding supply is being made possible and it is going to allow the support of projects, a lot of which has the aim of going toward this direction. Nonetheless, it is not sufficient, since the funds dispensed will come to an end. Then, it is necessary to consider a long term model of research support that the whole European Union should subscribe with determination. In the 2016 the letter “Balance research funds across Europe” was published on Nature by the Physics Nobel Prize Giorgio Parisi and subscribed by 69 Italian scientists. Thus, the petition “#SAVETHERESEARCH: let’s invest 3% of GDP in innovation” was launched to make Italy do its own part to reach the purpose. Today the same call can be addressed to all member States of the Union, so that each of them could contribute equally. This is a necessary condition in order to think about the various issues that Europe has the duty to face and solve with a synergic effort, being certain that then the solutions would be effective in their execution across the European territory, with uniform possibility. Borrowing some words from that appeal, we call for the European Union, in the same way the National Governments are currently prescribed to respect the balance for their budget, to pretend them, with equal promptness, to keep their funding for research and development above subsistence level, as demanded from the 2010 Treaty of Lisbon and the 2002 Barcelona European Council, which set it to 3% of GDP within 2010.
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Jobs, economy and digital transformation

Teach financial literacy in schools

With several countries in the European Union having low levels of financial literacy, it is urgent to outline initiatives that create a space for reflection and sharing of knowledge about the current economic, financial and technological world. This can be done by teaching financial literacy in schools.
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What people think

Thanya  • 11 September 2023

Financial education is crucial for future generations as it equips individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills to make informed financial decisions. In a constantly evolving and complex financial landscape, understanding concepts such as budgeting, saving, investing, and managing debt becomes essential for long-term financial well-being.

By providing financial education, we empower young people to be financially independent, responsible, and equipped to navigate financial challenges they will encounter throughout their lives. Moreover, it cultivates a mindset of financial awareness and discipline, fostering a culture of economic stability and growth. Thus, integrating financial education into the education system ensures that future generations possess the tools to achieve financial security and make wise choices that positively impact their lives and society as a whole.

Laura  • 10 September 2023

Teaching financial literacy in schools is a vital and practical idea that can have a profound impact on the lives of young people. By equipping students with the knowledge and skills to manage their finances, we can help them make informed decisions and avoid common financial pitfalls in the future.

Financial literacy encompasses a wide range of topics, including budgeting, saving, investing, understanding credit and debt, and making responsible financial choices. These skills are essential for ensuring financial stability and independence in adulthood. By introducing financial literacy education early on, we empower students to build a solid foundation for their financial well-being.

Moreover, teaching financial literacy in schools has the potential to address the growing issue of financial inequality. It enables equal access to critical knowledge and resources that students from less privileged backgrounds might not have access to otherwise. By providing a level playing field, we can give all students an opportunity to develop the skills they need to succeed financially, regardless of their socio-economic background.

In addition, financial literacy education can have broader societal benefits. A financially literate population can contribute to a more stable economy, as people make informed decisions about their money and are less prone to poor financial choices. It can also reduce the burden on social support systems, as individuals become more self-sufficient and less reliant on public assistance.

However, implementing financial literacy education in schools requires comprehensive and well-designed curricula, trained teachers, and adequate resources. It is crucial that the education provided is practical and relatable to real-world situations, ensuring that students can apply the knowledge directly.

While challenges might arise in adapting existing curricula or finding the necessary resources, the long-term benefits of teaching financial literacy in schools far outweigh the costs and efforts involved. It is an investment in the future financial well-being of our youth and the overall economic stability of societies.

Lastly, I’d like to congratulate the person behind this great idea and share that’s good to realize we have young people fighting for such important changes in current models of education. It’s urgent to include financial education at schools, because as the author wrote “the issue of over-indebtedness is increasingly a global problem, and it can be avoided by providing people with a higher level of financial knowledge!”

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224 votes with an average rating of 1.1.
Jobs, economy and digital transformation

All traineeships should be paid or funded

There should be financing for all traineeships – be it at a national level, in the country of residence of students, in the embassies of the EU member states, embassies located in the country of the student’s residence, or in the office of the European Parliament of the country concerned, or at the European Commission’s representative in that country. Erasmus ± National Trainee funding should cover strictly the costs of accommodation and travel if the embassy does not reimburse any of the two costs.
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Thomas  • 09 June 2023

Next to banning unpaid internships, there is a big need to making salaries for full-time positions transparent.
Currently, everyone must check external websites like Glassdoor to find out market rates for job positions which can be unreliable information. This lacking transparency only benefits employers and allows them to underpay their employees. Various states (recently New York) already made it mandatory for job postings to include a salary range. The EU should follow this example across all member states to ensure equality across all applicants (genders and nationalities). It would also improve salaries as companies would have to openly compete for applicants since they could easily compare potential earning potential across companies and even countries.

This is a major transparency problem in which the EU is lacking and should be solved.

Response to Adrian by Velimir  • 09 June 2023

In many sectors, there is a shortage of workers. Internships are an investment companies are making for the long term. Of course, most companies only think in terms of profits in the short term, in terms of the next quarterly earnings report.

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64 votes with an average rating of 1.3.
Jobs, economy and digital transformation

Erasmus+ scholarships should cover visits to the EU institutions

Erasmus + scholarships should be changed by introducing the possibility of institutional visits to EU bodies through Erasmus+ financing, with accommodation and transport from the country of residence being covered.

Study visits to the EU institutions should be carried out in groups of students within the voluntary framework of which the students belong. This should be done with annual Erasmus+ funding, and should also have a teacher as a coordinator who will accompany the students.
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 • 01 June 2023
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As a result of the protests and trajectories that took place in Greece over the past year, I would like to refer to Presidential Decree 85 which equates the degrees of art schools (drama, musicians and dance schools), with regard to legislation, with a secondary school certificate. In other words, it does not recognise them as higher education. This may then lead to reductions in wages on the pretext that ‘legally not a specialised job’. This decision is a major ‘hurdle’ for people working in this sector and for the culture of Greece. Should artistic schools not be recognised for their contribution to cultural education in the country and treated in a similar way in all EU countries?

Joana  • 01 May 2023

Absolutely! And let's not forget that this should happen not only in higher education, but also in vocational and secondary education (at least) :)

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31 votes with an average rating of 1.2.
Jobs, economy and digital transformation

We need a stronger Eastern Europe for a stronger EU

A strong and united European Union can be achieved through mutual support and cooperation among all countries in the region, regardless of their current economic status.

In the European Union, there are 27 countries but not each of them are equally developed: if we look at Eastern Europe, most of the countries are still developing. A strong and united European Union can be achieved through mutual support and cooperation among all countries in the region, regardless of their current economic status. This change will make all countries in the European Union economically self-sufficient and will increase the value of the Euro in the world market.
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Şengül  • 18 April 2024

Of course

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22 votes with an average rating of 1.4.
Climate change and environment
Health and sports
Jobs, economy and digital transformation

E-mobility EU common charging infrastructure

When it comes to the electrification of our mobility infrastructure, too much focus has been placed on electric vehicles (EVs) and the required EV charging infrastructure. However, e-bikes and e-scooters are 15 time more energy efficient than EVs  

When it comes to the electrification of our mobility infrastructure, too much focus has been placed on electric vehicles (EVs) and the required EV charging infrastructure. However, e-bikes and e-scooters are 15 time more energy efficient than EVs (meter*passenger/jules) as the car requires more energy to move unnecessary mass, moreover more than half of all the daily trips are less than 3 miles, thus easily sustituible for e-mobility options. Besides this remarkable advantages, there is little political interest in promoting and developing infrastructure for this efficient means of transport. We need an EU wide common docking and charging stations for light e-mobility vehicles, allowing every e-bike producer to design its e-bikes and scooters comply with EU docking and charging standards in every EU27 member states. This infrastructure will lead to an uptake in e-mobility, allowing private owners to secure and charge their e-bikes in the street, reduce the disarray of renting e-bikes and scooters in the cities by providing a designated docking space as well as reduce e-mobility companies operational costs, thus reducing prices and increasing consumers demand.
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Climate change and environment
Jobs, economy and digital transformation

Reuse package standards

To have a successful reuse packaging industry that can competes with single use plastics, you need to leverage on economies of scale by creating an EU wide standard on packages: from beverage to yogurts, coffee cups and meat traits. 

To have a successful reuse packaging industry that can competes with single use plastics, you need to leverage on economies of scale by creating an EU wide standard on packages: from beverage to yogurts, coffee cups and meat traits. The standard facilitates interoperability, reduce market fragmentation, increase liquidity in the market and logistics efficiencies, transforming reusables packages into a tradeable commodity in the market by different operators. Creating an entire new industry around recovering logistics and refurbishment of EU reusable packages (package mining)
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Human Rights
Jobs, economy and digital transformation
Social justice

EU’s Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025 Needs Reform 

EU’s Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025 Needs Reform   The suggestion of the strategy that 50:50 quotas are necessary to combat gender inequality since leadership positions must represent the demographic of the population is one which I find grossly undermining of our roles as individuals in society. It makes me question the perception of the intentions of men by the European Parliament itself. How can I confidently navigate the world as a woman when the strategies used to fight gender inequality only address surface-level outputs of misogyny and further propagate inequality?  It is my firm belief that there is a need for changing the approach to fighting gender inequality. Rather than focusing on artificially creating diversity in management and leadership positions, it is necessary to divert our attention to developing a strategy where gender equality is pursued on an individual basis rather than a legislative one. Equality of opportunity should be valued higher than equality of results, and ultimately the delegation of leadership and management positions should be based on merit and never gender. 
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Reinis Gils  • 09 June 2023

It nepieciešams šo aktualizēt visās ES valstīs!

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Climate change and environment
Jobs, economy and digital transformation

Develop an international high speed rail network across EEA countries.

It should be regulated by the EU, with a single tariff zone and a common app that integrates all public transportation systems from all member countries.

It should be regulated by the EU, with a single tariff zone and a common app that integrates all public transportation systems from all member countries.
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GMM  • 15 May 2023

Although I find this idea a bit difficult to concretize, I think that we could start by trains, since they seem to hold a very importante place for greener future. Therefore, the EU should think about rail connection between these countries and also supporting monetarily this type of constructions around countries if possible.

Jacques  • 10 May 2023

I am highly encouraged to take rail and I can't in europe — simply because of the price. If I book 3 months in advance sure, it's possible to find competitively-priced tickets for trains (i.e. Copenhagen > Stockholm). There are a number of mechanisms which could be implement, largely at the state level, following a directive (much like the NDCs for the Partis Agreement) to encourage the use of rail as opposed to planes:

- Increasing airport taxes + provide exemptions to rail companies and operators. However, additional rail capacity also needs to be considered with this — if
- Banning short-haul flights like France recently did, where rail was quicker than the the flight itself, as long as it was under two hours (from memory).
- The added complexity to this is that — whilst flying is absolutely one of the worst impacts an individual can have on the planet — how do we continue to deal with families that are spread out around the globe? So without a doubt, this would have to be done alongside an investment in renewable fuel and technological innovation for the aviation sector.

Just a few brief quick thoughts

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42 votes with an average rating of 1.1.
Jobs, economy and digital transformation
Social justice

Require software funded by public money to be open source

All software that is required in order to participate in society, such as bank ID apps, should be open source.

Transparency is an important facet of democracy, and we citizens deserve to understand what's going on and develop our own alternatives. For example, in Sweden there is a software called BankID that is used as an electronic ID card, but it is proprietary and only available on Apple, Microsoft, and Google's operating systems. This enforces their already strong oligopoly and hurts citizens who aren't conforming. An open source ID system could be ported by volunteers to any platform.
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Climate change and environment
Jobs, economy and digital transformation

A pan-European rail network

A pan-European rail network with a provider of trains across several countries (e.g. Interrail). However, ticket prices must be lower than air tickets in order to make it attractive to the widest mass!
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Lena Blum  • 09 June 2023

Klimaschädliche Subventionen großflächig abbauen und streichen, und auf der anderen Seite massiv in nachhaltige Verkehrsmittel wie Züge investieren, um umweltfreundliche Alternativen auch ökonomisch attraktiv zu machen.

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15 votes with an average rating of 1.2.
Culture and media
EU in the world
Jobs, economy and digital transformation

Support for innovative projects in the field of AI

More research on artificial intelligence can help us with sustainable development.

The European Union should implement a program of grants and other forms of support for universities and other research organizations operating in member states that focus on the development of artificial intelligence for sustainable development and global prosperity.
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George Morris  • 08 April 2023

We can’t afford to get left behind on this 

Celeste  • 05 April 2023

As much as the development of AI is necessary in order to modernise and further evolve engineering sectors and even help with our daily lives – there is a point where AI must be controlled and have some form of limitations wether they be physical, intellectual or even moral when being used by the public. An example of this can be the use of AI generating art.

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70 votes with an average rating of 1.7.
Jobs, economy and digital transformation

Create an EU Digital Wallet

Create an EU Digital Wallet with Driver’s License and National ID always available

Create an EU Digital Wallet with Driver’s License and National ID always available
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8 votes with an average rating of 1.9.
Human Rights
Jobs, economy and digital transformation

Lower voting age to 16

With the 2024 elections close to the European Parliament, the debate on the right to vote, democracy and politics becomes even more intense and much more intense among today’s youth,

With the 2024 elections close to the European Parliament, the debate on the right to vote, democracy and politics becomes even more intense and much more intense among today’s youth, a significant part of the population who is aware of the problems they face and who is active in a society that often lacks common sense, cohabiteism, etc. We therefore believe that the right to vote should be reduced to 16 years, following the example of some of the countries that are already implementing it. The reasons why this change would be beneficial to European society would be because the elections would have a better view of the interests of the population, bearing in mind that the young population is the largest and the most affected by the political choices made without taking into account their interests or benefits. Finally, another of the main reasons why voting at 16 would be an improvement for Europe as a society and an important step forward for European democracy is because by participating in elections, while their preferences and ideas can be taken into account, political participation as an additional citizen would allow them to understand what belonging to Europe means, the importance of elections and the role of democracy in a state like Europe.
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Lea  • 09 June 2023

Is this about only EP elections or all elections? 
The European elections would definitely benefit from lowering the voting age. But I don’t think the same applies to national elections.

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34 votes with an average rating of 1.9.
Culture and media
Human Rights
Jobs, economy and digital transformation

Recognition and promotion of digital rights as human rights

The EU should work for a common framework for the recognition and actual promotion of digital rights as human rights

The EU should work for a common framework for the recognition and actual promotion of digital rights as human rights; this should include equal Internet access in all European regions and for all European citizens in order to close the digital divide.
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11 votes with an average rating of 2.1.
Climate change and environment
Jobs, economy and digital transformation

Economic Transformation Fund for the green and digital transitions

The EU could create an economic transformation fund to finance the transition to a green and sustainable economy, as well as to support the digital transformation. The fund would be financed by a carbon tax and a tax on digital giants, which would make it possible to charge the biggest polluters and big tech companies that have benefited from globalisation and have often escaped taxation. 

The Economic Transformation Fund could finance investments in clean and renewable technologies, green infrastructure projects and initiatives to help companies adopt more sustainable practices. It could also provide financial incentives to encourage companies to invest in clean technologies and reduce their carbon footprint. 

In addition to boosting the transition to a greener and sustainable economy, the Economic Transformation Fund could also help the regions of the EU that have been most affected by globalisation and deindustrialisation. It could finance training programmes to help workers acquire new skills and initiatives to help SMEs grow and adapt to new economic realities. 
To sum up, the creation of an EU economic transformation fund could be an innovative solution to boost the transition to a greener and sustainable economy while supporting the digital transformation and helping the EU regions that have been most affected by globalisation.

The EU could create an economic transformation fund to finance the transition to a green and sustainable economy, as well as to support the digital transformation. The fund would be financed by a carbon tax and a tax on digital giants, which would make it possible to charge the biggest polluters and big tech companies that have benefited from globalisation and have often escaped taxation.  The Economic Transformation Fund could finance investments in clean and renewable technologies, green infrastructure projects and initiatives to help companies adopt more sustainable practices. It could also provide financial incentives to encourage companies to invest in clean technologies and reduce their carbon footprint.  In addition to boosting the transition to a greener and sustainable economy, the Economic Transformation Fund could also help the regions of the EU that have been most affected by globalisation and deindustrialisation. It could finance training programmes to help workers acquire new skills and initiatives to help SMEs grow and adapt to new economic realities.    To sum up, the creation of an EU economic transformation fund could be an innovative solution to boost the transition to a greener and sustainable economy while supporting the digital transformation and helping the EU regions that have been most affected by globalisation.
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What people think

Szymanska--Rondeau  • 06 June 2023

i think that it 's the economic recovery plan or the greendeal

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6 votes with an average rating of 1.5.
Jobs, economy and digital transformation

Make opportunities offered by the EU more visible in Cyprus

The EU and the opportunities it offer is very much a hidden topic in Cyprus, and all of these bright young people are missing out.

I want to make all the opportunities offered by the European Union and its institutions easily accessible for young people and students in Cyprus. It is very much a hidden topic in my country and all of these bright young people are missing out on opportunities that are so unique and useful for their future. We are not taught about how to have a presentable CV and profile and how to attract employers and achieve our dreams and make our ideas a reality. I want to start my own initiative in supporting and making all these opportunities visible for people and encourage them to act and make their voices heard on a political and not only level.
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What people think

Jan Wais  • 30 March 2023

There are several projects assisted by regional offices of European Parliament and European Commission.

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8 votes with an average rating of 1.3.
Jobs, economy and digital transformation

Increase investment in European data centres

The EU should improve its data centres by increasing investment. This is the only way for Europe to be independent of foreign companies.

Europe needs to invest more in developing its own data centers and companies, in order to be independent of respective US companies and their interests. 

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14 votes with an average rating of 1.1.
Jobs, economy and digital transformation

Bring manufacturing back to Europe

Bringing manufacturing back to Europe would help reduce unemployment rates and would allow for a "quality control" on the emissions of the companies.

Bringing manufacturing back to Europe would help reduce unemployment rates and would allow for a "quality control" on the emissions of companies. We should make sure that each EU Member State has its own production line according to what its potentials and strong points are.

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What people think

Tomáš  • 05 May 2023

Yes. The EU should invest in manufacturing of Die (integrated circuit) in Europe.

Guilherme Ferraz  • 03 April 2023

That's realy good. EU should be self-sufficient on many ways, starting not ONLY on medecine but also in tecnologics

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44 votes with an average rating of 1.3.
Jobs, economy and digital transformation

Set up a free, EU-funded online educational platform

The EU should fund the creation of a free, online educational platform with high-quality content from Europe's think tanks and thought leaders.

Europe has earned the reputation of being a lighthouse of knowledge for the world. Today, however, the only free providers of quality educational content on the internet are large private universities, mostly from those in the United States.

We should appoint a committee to search for Europe's most impactful, world-class scientists, artists and thought leaders, and provide funding for them to create online workshops, taught by the best, similar to the MasterClass online classes.

These courses should be free for everyone - European or not - and available on a single platform. The platform could feature two types of content:

  • workshops/seminars and interviews for the general public to keep citizens informed on basic knowledge in each industry
  • courses which delve deeper into a subject and are longer in duration, much like e-learning platforms such as Coursera or Udemy

All content should be have high standards of videography and art. An elite university is not needed; just great, free educational content curated and funded by the EU. This could restore Europe's reputation as a leading study destination.

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15 votes with an average rating of 1.4.

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