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Time to make it  happen!

Thousands of young people have already shared their ideas on how to contribute to a better Europe. Now it is time to turn them into reality.  What can we all do to make it happen? Join the conversation.

Jobs, economy and digital transformation
Social justice

Create a better future for stray animals

In some European countries, there are many stray animals. Therefore, we have to take measures in order to provide them with a better future.

In some European countries, there are many stray animals. Therefore, we have to take measures in order to provide them with a better future: We need to raise public awareness and create more information campaigns to encourage people and policy-makers to take responsibility for the animals that live around us. In addition, information exchange between European countries could help to identify best practices.

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Focus on simple and effective decision-making

In today's society, it's important focus on simple and effective decision-making while at the same time involving citizens.

In today's society, it's important focus on simple and effective decision-making while at the same time involving citizens. If there are changes that need to be made, they need to happen fast. As laws usually take a long time to be approved, it is also essential to involve citizens in the process and ask for their opinions.

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Social justice

Rules for the housing market

We need more regulation of the housing market at the European level: the current situation leaves thousands of houses empty to increase their value and become unaffordable to many. Instead, we need affordable housing for everyone.

We need more regulation of the housing market at the European level: the current situation leaves thousands of houses empty to increase their value and become unaffordable to many. Instead, we need affordable housing for everyone.

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Jobs, economy and digital transformation
Social justice

Create a youth job portal

Make it easier for young people to find paid internships and jobs.

Make it easier for young people to find paid internships and jobs. The European Union should invest more in facilitating the access to the job market for the youth. Many young professionals do not know where to look for open positions and are not sure where to start from. Therefore, a portal where to find paid internships and/or jobs would help them and give them support in this challenging search.

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Jobs, economy and digital transformation
Social justice

Equalise all methods of payment in the EU

We need a uniform system of methods of payment. In the Netherlands, the main form of payment is debit card, and credit and cash are hardly ever accepted. However, this is not the case everywhere.

We need a uniform system of methods of payment. In the Netherlands, the main form of payment is debit card, and credit and cash are hardly ever accepted. However, this is not the case everywhere. All methods of payment should be mutually recognised throughout the Union, in order to facilitate the freedom of movement of people.

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Jobs, economy and digital transformation

Support for the online trade start-ups

Create a fund to support online trading businesses started by young people in Europe.

Create an European fund to support online trading businesses started by young people in Europe. During the pandemic, there was a surge of start-ups in this sector which however has high costs of marketing on the big web companies. The fund would support the young creators of these start-ups selling specific European products as well as provide them for training about online business managment and development.

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Culture and media
Jobs, economy and digital transformation

Protect local cheese production in Europe

Cheese is part of the cultural heritage of Europe. Therefore, its production should be protected.

Cheese is part of the cultural heritage of Europe. Therefore, the EU should allocate funds to farmers producing Harzer Käse, Halloumi, Gorgonzola, Saint-Nectaire and other cheeses. At the same time, goverments should launch public information campaigns about the health benefits and properties of the different cheeses.

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4 votes with an average rating of 1.3.
Jobs, economy and digital transformation
Social justice

Apply the same corporate rules all over the EU

We need an integrated set of rules for corporate governance, transparency and avoidance of conflicts of interest that is applicable all over EU, without exceptions.

We need an integrated set of rules for corporate governance, transparency and avoidance of conflicts of interest that is applicable all over EU, without exceptions.

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Social justice

Benefits for the elderly

We need to allocate specific funds to create more services to avoid and prevent the abandonment of the elderly, especially in big municipalities across Europe.

We need to allocate specific funds to create more services to avoid and prevent the abandonment of the elderly, especially in big municipalities across Europe.

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Jobs, economy and digital transformation

Ban dropshipping from non-EU countries

Ban dropshipping from non-EU countries!

Drop shipping means that a business doesn't keep the products it sells in stock. Instead, it purchases the item directly from a third party once it has been bought and then ships the product directly to a customer. Drop shipping from non-EU countries is an unfair business practice though and should therefore be prohibited!

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1 votes with an average rating of 4.
Social justice

More opportunities for the Georgian youth

Young people from Georgia need more opportunities to gain experience and knowledge in their studies.

Young people from Georgia need more opportunities to gain experience and knowledge in their studies. More specifically, students of social and political science could do paid internships at EU offices, embassies or local offices.

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Human Rights
Jobs, economy and digital transformation

A one-stop app should be created for migrants' integrating in the EU

Integration should be assisted by an app holding answers to the many questions migrants have.

Integration in a new country, navigating a new bureaucracy in a new language, is extremely challenging. Migrants need a lot of help in finding the right path. To assist, the EU could support the creation of an app containing comprehensive advice and answers to key questions regarding integration in each Member State. The app would address:

  • Migrants' rights and obligations
  • Access to job opportunities.
  • Information about education opportunities.
  • Information about local communities.
  • Advice regarding key practicalities, including renting, registration, insurance, etc.

This could be supplemented by a chat-bot with knowledge of national or local laws and systems.

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23 votes with an average rating of 2.8.
Social justice

The EU should organise a campaign raising awareness of migrants' potential

In many Member States migrants are demonised; the EU should better communicate what they have to offer.

The recent success of the tennis star Emma Raducanu was applauded; however, it would not have been possible without migration. Migration offers enormous possible benefits to both migrants and host communities and countries, but is also a controversial subject and often the target of fake news.

The EU should counter the effects of disinformation, populism and prejudice through a communications campaign making citizens aware of the benefits of a healthy migration system. This would help to reduce tensions within communities, and contribute to a more constructive debate and migration's role.

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28 votes with an average rating of 2.9.
Human Rights
Jobs, economy and digital transformation

Help non-EU graduates to flourish in Europe

Non-EU nations who graduate from a European university struggle to navigate Member States' demands. These demands should be simplified.

Non-EU students graduating from European universities are confronted with a need for work permits and a lack of support. This is a great pity: foreign graduates from European universities have a lot to offer to their host societies. To help graduates wishing to stay in the countries they have come to love, and host nations to benefit from what students can provide, the process for staying in Europe should be made simpler.

An all-EU procedure for obtaining work permits should be attempted; if this is too radical, Member States should at least be encouraged to align their requirements. Non-EU graduates should be offered support in seeking work permits.

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24 votes with an average rating of 2.7.
Jobs, economy and digital transformation

Migrants should not be looked to as a solution to Europe's ageing

The challenges of educating migrant populations outweighs the economic benefits they could bring.

Many migrants coming to Europe have received limited educations. Teaching them requires a large amount of resources, and a lot of time. This presents a challenge to hopes of their filling gaps in Europe's workforce, which often has relatively technical requirements. Regular immigration should therefore be restricted to those migrants who offer skills of which Europe has need, and who have already attained a high level of education.

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29 votes with an average rating of 1.4.
Human Rights
Jobs, economy and digital transformation

An EU visa system should be used to target bright minds

The EU should incentivise regular migration, but also use it to attract intelligent workers.

The EU should further develop its Blue Card initiative, using this to attract bright minds to necessary areas of the economy from outside Europe. This allows the EU to keep its borders open, and to maintain regular migration. If necessary, the number of visas per year could be capped.

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11 votes with an average rating of 3.
Human Rights
Jobs, economy and digital transformation

Free movement within Europe needs to become more fluid

Movement for EU citizens between EU Member States needs to become more accessible.

Within the Schengen area, EU Member State citizens can move freely. However, some aspects of mobility within the EU still demand high levels of time and effort from citizens, hindering ease of movement.

To make free movement more accessible, the EU could seek to: eliminate paperwork burdens when crossing borders; make it easier to obtain social security numbers in non-origin countries; make it easier to obtain a drivers' license or import an owned car; and register in new countries. Countries could also consider providing guides to immigration in English as well as in the state's native language. In addition, free movement would be made more accessible as a long-term option for EU citizens if it was easier to gain other countries' nationalities upon settling there.

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15 votes with an average rating of 2.4.
Human Rights

Hold EU political parties accountable

Political parties have a special role in upholding the rule of law. That's why we want to hold the European Parliament parties accountable in case they violate the rule of law or our democratic principles.

European political parties should work towards more compliance to the rule of law and EU's democratic principles. And, if these parties don't do so, we should make it easier to hold them accountable. Therefore, we should simplify and streamline the procedures necessary for de-registration of EU political parties in the European Parliament. We can start by making it possible to de-register a party instead of the whole political group.

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Jobs, economy and digital transformation

A platform to promote remote work

Promote remote work through an EU-based platform where people can work regardless of their nationality and/or language!

Promote remote work through an EU-based platform where people can work regardless of their nationality and/or language!

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Jobs, economy and digital transformation
Social justice

An easier relocation within the EU

We need to implement a new legislation and specific funds to facilitate the relocation of students and workers within the Union.

We need to implement a new legislation and specific funds to facilitate the relocation of students and workers within the Union. They should be able to access to public housing and relocation financial help. At the same time, we should encourage private landlords to offer accommodation to them.

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Jobs, economy and digital transformation
Social justice

Stop salary discrimination

We need to stop "salary discrimination" towards workers from the East of Europe.

We need to stop "salary discrimination" towards workers from the East of Europe.

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Social justice
Jobs, economy and digital transformation

Handcraft and social media courses for parents

Let's give a new opportunities to stay-at-home parents to learn something useful and creative to do during their free time: handcraft and social media managment courses!

Let's give a new opportunities to stay-at-home parents to learn something useful and creative to do during their free time: handcraft and social media managment courses!

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Jobs, economy and digital transformation
Social justice

Fight tax havens within the EU

The EU should do more against fiscal paradises and money laundering.

The EU should do more against fiscal paradises and money laundering. We need to fight this "underground economy" and apply all the necessary measures to make the European financial and tax system healthy: the EU must stop big companies and the super-rich from hiding their money without paying their fair amount of taxes. This is the only way to fight inequality and corruption which undermine our democracy.

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6 votes with an average rating of 1.2.
Jobs, economy and digital transformation
Social justice

Stop mobbing at the workplace

Mobbing at the workplace is a common practice in some Member States such as Germany. There are many ways to fight it.

Mobbing at the workplace is a common practice in some Member States such as Germany. There are many ways to fight it:

  1. Make the aggressors and the direct manager accountable and liable for justice.
  2. Foreign employees should have a proper union for each country so they can communicate their issues and receive support to integrate within the country.
  3. Abolish the so-called "Arbeitszeugnisse", the recommendation by the former employer which is often used to punish the employees.
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Jobs, economy and digital transformation

Restore the old Europe

The Euro currency and European integration only made Germany and the Northern countries stronger. We need to restore national currencies and allow the basic European freedoms of goods, people, services and capital.

The Euro currency and the European integration only made Germany and the northern countries stronger. We need to restore national currencies and allow the basic European freedoms of goods, people, services and capital. There is not enough democratic oversight over the European institutions and too much imbalance of power between the richest and the poorest Member States.

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Social justice

Create gathering spaces for young people in rural areas

Gathering spaces should be created for young people in rural areas to share and develop ideas and projects.

Georgian youth, particularly those living in rural areas, face challenges such as a lack of access to comprehensive information on gender equality and stereotypes, human rights and reproductive health and rights. This causes issues such as early marriage and poor integration into society.

These issues can be solved by creating gathering spaces for young people in rural areas. These spaces would enable young people to gather, share ideas and develop community projects to tackle the most pertinent issues in their community. Lastly, these spaces must be inclusive, particularly towards those with disabilities.

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Provide funding for system-wide private schools

Instead of sending all children to public schools, governments should provide funding for parents who want to choose their own (type of) schools.

Instead of sending all children to public schools, governments should provide funding for parents who want to choose their own (type of) schools. Each school should be given considerable autonomy so that every school is unique and the lives of our children are diverse and vibrant.

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Social justice

Give social issues a wider audience

Environmental, social and governance issues should be given more attention by mandating broadcast airtime for them.

For every European event with a wider audience (e.g. European football championships, Eurovision Song Contest), three minutes of commercial time should be dedicated to present environmental, social or governance issues. These issues are often considered to be rather niche and only reach a small segment of our population.

But reach is not the only problem: another is language. The terminology used to talk about these issues are often very specific and thus exclusionary to many people who are affected by them, but not necessarily have the tools to talk about or tackle them.

The result of such broadcasting airtime could therefore be more awareness, more motivation and more engagement.

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Health and sports
Social justice

Promote and invest in sports

The EU should promote and invest more in sports so that young Europeans become healthier.

Sports events are currently not sufficiently supported by governments and central institutions. The EU should promote and invest more in sports.

For example, sportspersons who qualify for international competitions should receiving funding to attend those competitions. In some cases, like in the case of the Portuguese Judo team, sportspersons are not able to take part in international competitions because of a lack of funding. Sportspersons should also receive help to be admitted to universities.

Expenditure on sports promotional campaigns should increase, and Europe-wide competitive sports initiatives should be encouraged.

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Jobs, economy and digital transformation
Social justice

Enable affordable housing for youth

Affordable housing for young people is a big imperative for inclusivity.

There is a great need for affordable and decent social housing. We should guarantee public housing for young people under 35 and fight homelessness. Many housing programs should have a minimal requirement to help young people into housing without stigma.

To support young people and help them start a life for themselves, we need new kinds of housing corporations to build new housing communities. There are good practices within the EU, and the European Anti-Poverty Network can offer to bring groups together to discuss how this development, seen within the Green Deal, can be brought forward quickly.

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