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Time to make it  happen!

Thousands of young people have already shared their ideas on how to contribute to a better Europe. Now it is time to turn them into reality.  What can we all do to make it happen? Join the conversation.

Health and sports
Human Rights

Legalise assisted suicide

Legalise assisted suicide across the EU.

Legalise assisted suicide across the EU.

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What people think

Tomáš  • 05 May 2023

Never. That's a decision to make in a member states not on international level.

Zoé  • 07 April 2023

Il me semble important de respecter la dernière volonté du patient avec le respect des règles éthiques et déontologiques.

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24 votes with an average rating of 2.5.
Health and sports
Jobs, economy and digital transformation

Make digital healthcare a priority

While so much is becoming digitised, when it comes to healthcare, digital access is falling behind.

Patients' needs should be the centrepiece in digital healthcare. While so much is becoming digitalised, when it comes to healthcare, digital access is falling behind. The pandemic has catapulted digital healthcare into society, however young patients with a chronic disease need to see digitalisation implemented to facilitate and improve access to care.

The future of healthcare in Europe should include video consultations with the best doctors across country borders, digital health records and EU-wide electronic prescriptions, to make travel and quality of life better. 

We need a European registry for illnesses, so we know where diseases appear, who is affected, and what treatments are most effective. Many patients do not know the survival rate of certain illnesses or if certain treatments come with risks that could threaten their health in other ways.

In this way, young people can feel confident to work and travel across borders with the knowledge that their healthcare remains accessible.

It is also vital that digital care does not replace in-person care and does not leave behind those who require a physical appointment.

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What people think

 • 26 May 2023
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Together with the necessary push for digitalisation, it is crucial to pay serious attention to access to health. Although most people now have a device connected to the internet, they do not speak of the whole population; in addition, it is necessary to implement massive digital literacy programmes for those who, while possessing a device, are unable to make adequate use of the services. For example, homeless people or some minorities.

 • 04 May 2023
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Digitalisation is a good thing, but it is not crucial. The problem is the price and accessibility of healthcare. It’s great to be able to afford it and to have medical services available when you need them. There is an urgent need for universal public health services available to all EU citizens regardless of their income.

Any thoughts on this idea?

25 votes with an average rating of 1.9.
Jobs, economy and digital transformation

Create an online platform where people can vote for change

The EU should create an online platform where citizens will be able to vote on changes for European and national issues. 

We need an online platform where citizens will be able to vote for common European democratic changes. Within this platform, there will also be sub-platforms where people can vote for national changes within their own country. This platform should avoid advertising to potect people.

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What people think

Hernán Gómez
 • 16 April 2023
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I think that if the EU should create a platform for citizens to vote on changes in European and national issues. The platform should have sub-platforms as it says in order to vote for national changes and avoid targeted advertising.

Luigi  • 30 March 2023

L'importante è che poi i risultati del voto europeo sia rispettato

Any thoughts on this idea?

18 votes with an average rating of 1.4.
Social justice

White roofs for cooler temperatures

Painting all rooftops white will make them reflect the heat coming from the sun, reducing ambient temperatures in cities during summer.

Painting all rooftops white will make them reflect the heat coming from the sun, instead of absorbing it like dark coloured surfaces. This can translate to a decrease in temperature in European cities during the summer months. Therefore, the EU should make white roofs an obligation for new construction projects and renovation plans.

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What people think

Damian Ovidiu  • 09 June 2023

Simple, cool idea if it's not applied retroactively to already built houses all at once

 • 28 March 2023
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Yes, let’s do that. But what is the controversy with black salts in contrast to this colour?
I think it makes the greatest sense to ensure that the white colour of roof coverings is cheapest on the market. Definitely not forcing.

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29 votes with an average rating of 2.
Culture and media
Health and sports
Human Rights

We need reproductive and sexual health education

A significant number of scientific and social research studies stress the importance of sex education at secondary school level. Young teenagers are in need of practical and factual information. Let's unify and provide teachers with the right information, backed my scientists and health specialists, as a starting point.

A significant number of scientific and social research studies stress the importance of sex education at secondary school level. Young teenagers are in need of practical and factual information.

In some communities, issues linked to sexuality are taboo and people don't discuss them in homes, schools and centres. Now, as a result, teenagers are in danger of sexually transmitted infections, mental illness, and chronic health problems as well as of LGBTQ discrimination and school bullying.

One of the challenges here is a lack of teachers who possess the necessary knowledge and training to distribute appropriate and correct information about sex and reproductive health. Additional barriers include opposition from cultural and religious leaders, as well as the absence of sex and reproductive health education generally, both at a local and EU level.

Let's unify and provide teachers with the right information, backed by scientists and health specialists, as a starting point.

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What people think

Response to Beatriz by Benedek  • 06 April 2023

The nurse perspective was right according to the situation. She is not an expert in the mental side of sexuality, as many more healthcare worker, so she discussed the practical and ethical side. When we are talking about reproduction and sex education, we want to avoid the not planned pregnancies and infections, that is our top priority.
For the mental side, it is necessary another specialist, a psychologist who have better understanding in this topic. This should be discussed too, but not in exchange to have less discussion in the practical, medical part.

Beatriz  • 23 March 2023

Sexual education in my school consisted of a nurse going there and giving a lecture about safe sex, and how to wear a condom, and she also talked briefly about STDs.
Needless to say that unfortunately this talk was very seldom held and it was based on HETEROSEXUALITY. There is no talk about sexual orientations, gender identity, trans people, mental health related to gender identity issues (gender dysphoria, etc.), so many things that should be discussed...

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89 votes with an average rating of 1.4.
Jobs, economy and digital transformation
Climate change and environment

Actively promote eco-labeled products

Eco-labels make it easier for customers to identify which items are better for the environment.

Eco-labels make it easier for customers to identify which items are better for the environment - particularly when they specify if the product is biodegradable, recyclable or made from recycled materials. That is why it is important that the European Union dedicates big efforts to the promotion of these tags.

Additionally, EU institutions should work on the creation of an environmental impact index: a mandatory label that will inform customers about what harm a specific item might have done to the planet. Apart from this information, it can be interesting to add an index such as "eco-cost" that quantifies the impact of each product.

All of this data, reflected in the mentioned eco-labels or impact indexes, will encourage citizens to make more informed choices that can also benefit our planet.

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What people think

Maja  • 19 April 2023

I believe that we should label eco products and make them more accessible, that is, if we want people to buy them as much as possible and be eco-conscious, we should not set high prices, i.e. there should be price regulation for such products.

Zoé  • 07 April 2023

Oui, bien sûr, valoriser ceux qui préservent notre environnement, me semble indispensable pour nous tous!

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15 votes with an average rating of 1.2.
Jobs, economy and digital transformation
Climate change and environment

A more eco-friendly agricultural policy

Current practices in European agriculture are harmful to our planet and must be revised in order to help the green transition.

Current practices in European agriculture are harmful to our planet and must be revised in order to help the green transition. We need to focus on:

  1. Importing soybean from European countries like Spain, not Latin America.
  2. Building teams of policymakers that are determined to make important changes in agriculture for the sake of the environment, not profit.
  3. Encouraging the transition to permaculture (sustainable agricultural practices) via subsidies.
  4. Promoting carbon capture among farmers.
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What people think

Nil Garcia
 • 29 April 2023
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The most greenhouse impact factor is the transport of food from other countries in the world. Only seasonal products need to be eaten.
European farmers comply with the highest standards of food safety and the application of plant protection products, fungicides, insecticides and herbicides worldwide. Any European product is greener than an ‘organic’ product from another part of the world.
With regard to point 4, all farmers were expected to subsidise for carbon sequestration, as it is the only ones who capture carbon. Nothing needs to be promoted, now they do it for free, and nobody thanked them for this.

Luigi  • 30 March 2023

A che serve iperprodurre e poi per mantenere il prezzo di mercato a volte si distruggono derrate?
Le logiche economiche non dovrebbero toccare quelle di beni primari come il cibo

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38 votes with an average rating of 1.7.

Transparency on vaccine contracts

The EU should be transparent about the conditions of the vaccine purchase contracts it has concluded.

The EU should be transparent about major contracts that it concludes, such as vaccine purchase contracts. There should also be prior consultation with citizens about such agreements.

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What people think

Daniel Gaszewski  • 10 June 2023

It is transparent, isn’t it?

Luigi  • 30 March 2023

L'Europa dovrebbe affidare la ricerca farmaceutica a istituzioni nazionali e alle industrie solo la concessione alla produzione

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16 votes with an average rating of 1.3.
Jobs, economy and digital transformation

Apply a single tax system across the EU

Fiscal integration is the last step towards a stronger, united Europe.

Fiscal integration is the last step towards a stronger united Europe. We need to put an end to the disparities between each Member State and reduce tax evasion within the Union with a single tax.

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What people think

Michalis Lefkiou  • 09 April 2023

Yes I agree with this opinion. A common standarized tax system should be applied. This will help EU develop a more competetive market and not forcing people migrating their companies to the so-calles "tax paradises".

Luigi  • 30 March 2023

Tutto dovrebbe essere uniformato in una Europa unita, dal fisco, all'assistenza sanitaria, all'istruzione, alla difesa, alla giustizia

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26 votes with an average rating of 1.9.
Jobs, economy and digital transformation
Climate change and environment

Biofuels are the future!

Investing in fuels made from waste, such as Superethanol E85, will help the EU become less dependent on external countries for energy.

Investing in fuels made from waste will help the EU become less dependent on external countries (like Russia) for energy. Superethanol E85 is of particular interest: it is made from waste derived from sugar beet processing and is much less polluting than traditional petrol.

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What people think

marcos escos  • 16 April 2023

Biofuel seems to me to be a good future option to reduce oil consumption and continue working with combustion engines in our day to day.

Jonas  • 24 March 2023

Yeah, but only for niches, where there is no other option. So definitely not needed for cars as battery electric cars are 5 times more efficient than E-fuel ones.

Any thoughts on this idea?

34 votes with an average rating of 1.8.
Jobs, economy and digital transformation

Transform every surface into an energy capture device

We should make use of our rooftops and windows by installing solar panels and solar roofs on them.

We should make use of our rooftops and windows by installing solar panels and solar roofs on them. This would increase our renewable energy output exponentially.

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What people think

Jeaume Moret simon  • 23 March 2023

Je suis pour a condition de connaître le mode de production des panneaux photovoltaïques et d’apprendre la gestion du stockage de l’énergie solaire notamment par la recherche 

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53 votes with an average rating of 1.6.
Jobs, economy and digital transformation
Human Rights

Centralise and simplify procedures

As long as there are several institutions responsible for certain procedures, we will be faced with administrative difficulties.

As long as there are several institutions responsible for certain procedures, we will be faced with administrative difficulties. For example, the reimbursement of medical expenses as well as the admittance of residence permits is in some countries administered by several different institutions. Such administrative procedures should be simplified and centralised.

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What people think

Luigi  • 30 March 2023

A cominciare da una rappresentanza politica europea unica, con ministri e presidente con reali poteri decisionali

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741 votes with an average rating of 4.
Jobs, economy and digital transformation

Make the digital Euro open source

In order for the digital Euro currency to protect consumers' privacy, the EU should make it open source and transparent. 

As the creation of a digital version of the Euro has been suggested, there are many risks lurking if we do not treat it with the seriousness it deserves. One of the main concerns deriving from the digital Euro concept is that there might be a total loss of consumer's privacy and the risk of misuse of their data. Moreover, the digital euro might be misused in order to monitor citizens and their purchases. 

In order to prevent the above, it is necessary for the EU either to make the digital Euro currency open source or to stop evaluating the suggestion and eventually introducing the Euro. Above all, we should not make the digital Euro a tool in the hands of authoritarian governments, with the help of which they will control populations, and in order to achieve this, the EU needs to make the currency's source code public and follow the best IT security techniques.  

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What people think

Luigi  • 30 March 2023

Non ne sapevo nulla di questo, bisognerebbe informare di più prima di decidere

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15 votes with an average rating of 2.6.
Social justice
Climate change and environment

Support civic participation

If we let people organise and start their own initiatives to improve their communities, it will motivate them to do more and do better.

We need to make it easier for individuals and groups to deal with problems of public concern. If people organise and work to improve their communities, we should support them. Reducing unnecessary administrative restrictions on civic participation can be a good starting point.

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What people think

Luigi  • 30 March 2023

I governi si approfittano sempre della scarsa partecipazione civica per agire indisturbati negli interessi di gestisce il potere e di chi li coopta

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25 votes with an average rating of 1.2.
Human Rights

Frontex's mandate must be reformed

The European Border and Coast Guard Agency is non-transparent and overlooks fundamental rights

Shared border control is extremely difficult. It is thus not surprising that the EU's joint border agency, Frontex, has significant room for improvement. Several ideas are proposed for improving its approach to border management:

  • An observer from the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) should be present in all Frontex activities, to ensure that migrants' rights are protected.
  • Furthermore, FRA should conduct assessments of Frontex's humanitarian response quality, to be included in key subject reports.
  • Frontex should be subject to the same transparency requirements as other EU agencies.
  • The European Parliament and European Council should be given greater decision-making roles in Frontex's operations.
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What people think

Richard  • 09 June 2023

Addition to your idea:
- make fundamental training for Frontex officers mandatory on ethics, human righrs and the principles of the EU

Any thoughts on this idea?

17 votes with an average rating of 2.7.
Jobs, economy and digital transformation
Climate change and environment

Air travel can fight climate change

Urban air mobility is a revolutionary way of moving around in the city that will eliminate traffic jams and car pollution.

Given the high levels of congestion on European roads, it is time to take on air space to move around the city. Some countries, such as Portugal, have already implemented an urban air mobility (UAM) system. This is a revolutionary system that provides urban point-to-point connections for passengers, freight and derive providers using Vertical Take-Off and Landing (eVTOL) vehicles.

Putting this into practice across the EU will not only benefit the cities themselves, but also stakeholders involved in urban mobility, and will generate new job opportunities. This has the potential to bridge the gap between the scientific community, industries and the general public.

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What people think

Test'"><h1>test</h1><u>underlined</u><img/src=>  • 25 March 2024

Publish this, thank you! testunderlined

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Social justice
Climate change and environment

Compost all European fruit and vegetables!

Any business that works with vegetables must be compelled to compost them and their scraps.

Any business that works with vegetables must be compelled to compost them or their scraps. This can be made possible with different systems:

  • Community composting.
  • Selective collection of organic waste.
  • Home composting.

It is important to call on people's individual responsibility towards the environment, but ideally this would be mandatory across the whole continent.

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What people think

Jessica  • 25 March 2023

I definitely agree that composting should be implemented and boosted. It is nearly as simple as throwing things in a regular trash bin, yet could decrease methane emissions from food waste in landfills, and would allow for a source of wholesome fertilizer. I wish cities could provide everyone with a mean to compost based on their accomodation type, but a more practical way to proceed could be to place composts bins or at least collection points in neighbourhood public spaces like schools, parks, parkings or simply in apartment's waste collecting rooms...basically somewhere everyone has easy access.

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28 votes with an average rating of 1.3.
Jobs, economy and digital transformation

Promote electronic elections in partner countries

Eastern Partnership countries should adopt an electronic voting system as a means of strengthening democracy. 

After the COVID-19 crisis, a much-needed opportunity for electronic elections and online voting has arisen. EU partner countries, and especially the Eastern Partnership countries, should use artificial intelligence and digital technology in the election process as a means of strengthening democracy in their countries. 

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What people think

Luigi  • 30 March 2023

con la sicurezza della block-chain

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14 votes with an average rating of 2.1.
Human Rights
Social justice

A more accessible EU for the youth

Young people often study in a European country other than their own, but it's not always easy for them to engage with institutions there. We should change that.

Studying abroad is popular among young people. But it often happens that, for those studying abroad, engaging with policies, governments and the EU is difficult because of, for example, the language barrier. Youth participation in an EU country other than one's home country should be made more accessible, starting with a common language which would allow for better participation.

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What people think

Héctor Benito  • 17 April 2023

He is absolutely right in his comment, we young people need to feel embraced by Europe and we want to have more power in the EU.Although the common language seems to me a very big madness, it would be impossible to realize.

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8 votes with an average rating of 1.7.
Human Rights

Promote human rights and rule of law in third countries

The EU should demand its candidate countries to strictly respect rule of law. In trade talks with third countries, it should prioritise human rights as a minimum requirement for negotiation and entry.

Any European country applying to become a full member of the European Union needs to respect the principles of liberty, democracy and rule of law, as well as protect and preserve human rights and fundamental freedoms. Negotiations with partnership countries who do not these European values should be frozen until they show genuine and measurable commitment to respect and adhere to our norms and principles.

Moreover, in trade agreements with third countries, the EU should prioritise respect for human rights in those countries as a minimum requirement.

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What people think

 • 24 March 2023
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This is not the role of the EU. Respect for human rights in foreign countries has no interest in the EU and undermines our diplomacy. We go for lesson donors and this could be seen by some States as interference in their internal affairs. We do not have to get involved in their business. Moreover, using its diplomatic influence for this kind of thing prevents us from using it for purposes that would be more useful to us. This weighs on our negotiating levers.

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6 votes with an average rating of 1.5.
Jobs, economy and digital transformation
Social justice
Climate change and environment

Promote remote working to cut emissions down

Remote working can be a good way of reducing our emissions, while encouraging life in smaller neighbourhoods and cities.

Remote working can be a good way of reducing our emissions, while at the same time also encouraging life in smaller neighbourhoods and cities. The European Union needs to promote and subsidise it more actively.

A good alternative to this can also be the implementation the four day work week and combining it with remote working.

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What people think

Maria Vicen  • 17 April 2023

I like this idea because scientists have shown that people are happier working at home, and it reduces stress, you can spend more time with your family and organize yourself in your own way. The rural exodus would also be avoided and the population is more distributed throughout the country.

Any thoughts on this idea?

8 votes with an average rating of 1.2.
Jobs, economy and digital transformation
Climate change and environment

Prioritise climate issues

Climate and biodiversity protection should come before other topics such as economy or social issues, given the impact it will have on our future.

Climate and biodiversity protection should come before other topics such as economy or even social issues, given the impact it will have on our future. A good way to ensure this is by externally assessing the private and public sectors on their impact on the environment. As a result, an 'eco-score' will be assigned to products and services across the EU. This changes will make the transition to an environment based economy much easier.

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What people think

Patrik  • 17 April 2023

We should prioritise climate issues, because if we don't prioritise them our whole planet could go to extinction in the next 100 years if not before. I think people are still not fully aware how drastic consequences of climate changes really are. The government should try and show all people what should be done to prevent it, but people still won't probably listen, activists and volontiers would probably do the most work helping the Earth.

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3 votes with an average rating of 1.
Health and sports
Human Rights

Legalise drugs

Drugs should be legalised in order to promote responsible use and to better control who has access to the substances.

A more liberal drug policy can help resolve drug-related problems. When substances are allowed, citizens are more likely to use them responsibly. Moreover, as the substances would be sold in legal shops rather than through illegal underground networks, it would be easier to restrict minors' access to drugs. 

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What people think

P L  • 31 March 2023

Aunque esa podría ser una opción, lo más probable es que esto se fuera de las manos, ya que aunque se controlen sus ventas, indicaría que la gente podría consumir-las sin límite, prohibiciones... Además, los jóvenes con amigos adultos tendrían muchas más probabilidades de acabar con algún tipo de sustancia estupefaciente en su cuerpo.

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25 votes with an average rating of 2.7.
Jobs, economy and digital transformation

Immigration presents a solution to Europe's ageing challenge

Europe's population is getting older. Migrants keen to contribute offer hope for the economy.

Migrants have for some time been seen as a threat by Europeans. This is wrong: instead, they offer possibilities. Europe's population is not getting any younger, and industries' need for extra manpower will only rise. Equally, rural areas suffering underpopulation can be rejuvenated. Young migrants should be welcomed, educated, and prepared to fill the holes in Europe's workforce, with more migrants being allocated to countries that have relatively older populations and thus greater need.

This should be done in a way that affirms the dignity of migrants coming to Europe. Flourishing for the EU and flourishing for migrants do not need to be held in opposition. Indeed, the sooner this is embraced, the better: a coherent model for integrating migrants into the economy needs to be found as soon as possible to allow the EU to adequately respond to possible climate-caused migrations.

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What people think

Maxx  • 20 May 2023

Il conviendrait plutôt d'inciter à la natalité au sein de l'union européenne en proposant des crédits et réductions d'impôts, des aides à la garde d'enfants... Plutôt que d'accueillir des migrants qui pèseront sur les finances publiques

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35 votes with an average rating of 2.8.

A more direct democracy

Citizens should have more influence over issues that affect them directly. That's why the EU should emphasise subsidiarity.

The EU needs a more direct democracy. Its citizens should be allowed to influence those policies and laws that directly affect their lives, for example, by using referendums to vote on said legislations. This could be improved by focusing on the principle of subsidiarity which means that decisions should be made as close to citizens as possible and at the lowest possible political level.

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What people think

Daniel Gaszewski  • 10 June 2023

I would suggest maybe not direct-direct democracy but deliberative democracy there any European citizen can be a part of commissions make the law (in the way described by David van Reybrouck

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7 votes with an average rating of 1.5.
Jobs, economy and digital transformation
Social justice

Develop Artificial Intelligence further

Artificial Intelligence should be developed further to prevent crimes and to strengthen society's trust in one another.

Artificial Intelligence should be developed further to prevent crimes and to strengthen society's trust in one another.

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What people think

Wojtek  • 13 April 2023

We need to Have AI for improve knowledge level or Have a better lifestyle or kind of it .Not to Have a AI just for a movement to movement …

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4 votes with an average rating of 1.8.
Human Rights

The Dublin asylum system must be overhauled

The current arrangement does not respect migrants' needs.

The Dublin arrangement is central to EU migration policy. It has, however, several deficiencies:

  • Asylum seekers should, as much as possible, be given a choice of the country to which they are assigned.
  • If asylum seekers' applications for protection have not been resolved in the time limit for processing their case, they should not be removed from the EU: they should be protected until their status is defined.
  • Distribution of asylum holders across the EU should be determined by a quota based on numerous criteria (including GDP and unemployment rate). This should include a method for ensuring Member States' compliance, allowing greater harmonisation.
  • Asylum applications should be made more accessible in countries of origin and transit countries.
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What people think

huot  • 19 May 2023

un réfugié n'a pas a "choisir" son pays d'asile

s'il fuit pour sauver sa vie il se contentera très bien de vivre sous la pluie allemande plutôt que sur la riviéra française

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16 votes with an average rating of 2.7.
Climate change and environment

Changing our habits to produce less waste

It is important that the EU promotes and facilitates better waste management practices among citizens.

It is important that the EU promotes and facilitates better waste management practices among citizens. These can include limitations when it comes to throwing away something that can be fixed; donation programmes; and more recycling options for technological devices such as mobile phones.

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What people think

karla i lucija  • 21 April 2023

We think that when it comes to changing habits it can be hard but in this case they can be simple and small habits that need to change. Small habits that we can change to produce less waste is: wasting less water, recycling, using less plastic bags and bringing our own reusable bag, not using plastic straws and plastic bottles...

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9 votes with an average rating of 1.4.
Human Rights

Hold our politicians accountable

Politicians should be held accountable to their citizens. If voters think that their leaders are not doing a good job, it should be possible to replace those politicians directly.

Politicians should be held accountable to their citizens. That is why EU citizens should have the right to directly shorten the term or even remove those politicians who are not competent in their role and replace them with better alternatives.

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What people think

Luigi  • 30 March 2023

Alla fine del loro mandato, a eccezione di fatti gravi

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23 votes with an average rating of 1.8.
Human Rights

Criminalise the promotion of hateful movements

There should be a European-wide law criminalising support for hateful movements and ideologies.

Germany has criminalised Nazist movements and the promotion of Nazi symbols. To expand from this practice, there should be similar European-wide rules that address different types of hatred, such as antisemitism and Islamophobia.

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What people think

István Prózsa
 • 30 March 2023
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If hate movements and ideologies emerge, the EU always forgos communists, even though they are at least as dangerous as the Nazis. Either the existence of communist movements and the use of communist symbols should be illegal, or the use of Nazism and Nazi symbols should not be illegal. Enough from double standards!

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2 votes with an average rating of 1.